Saturday, March 21, 2009

Explicit Ills looks Ill

Finally movies about our lives!! Gentrification, poverty, health care and rights. Lol. I'm definitely supporting this in the theaters. Will you?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Art Star and the Sudanese Twins

An interesting looking doc on foreign adoption, especially of exotic African babies by white women.

Critical. The women knows what she's doing, look at the image, but still wants to do it. Her husband is a social anthrolopologist and by the end wants a divorce.

Screening at the HOTDOCS Documentary festival in April

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ryan Leslie: I'm in Love with a Nerd

So I was on Kid Cudi's blog and it turned out that Ryan "Real Life Genius" Leslie helped him with the website probs he's been having. Me thinking it's hot that Ryan Leslie speaks Web 2.0 language did a little google search on mr leslie and discovered his gem of an artist site. it reminds me of my hype back in okp glory days.

all said in done. i got his phone number and email from the site. plus gave him mine.

Check him out in this video with him producing. Dude is hotness. Lol at the mini Trumpet. Not too much into the materialistic swag.

His site it pretty hot!!!

Denzel in Post-Apocalyptic Flick

A bearded Denzel Washington was spotted on the set of his latest movie “The Book of Eli” in New Mexico
earlier this week.

Washington takes on the lead role of Eli, in the post-apocalyptic action film about a man who fights his way across America in order to protect a sacred book that holds the secrets to saving humankind. It is expected to be released January 15, 2010.


I'm def going to check this one out. I'm all about the post-apoc/apoc thrillers. Especially ones with spiritual/theoretical/philosophical dimensions since I think climate change is going to whip our a**

Andre 3000 New Hair and New Spring Collection

Andre 3000 hit up Holt Renfrew Bloor Street to launch his new Bixby Menswear Spring 09 Collection.

So despite some of the challenges his new line has been facing, Andre 3000 was still able to sneak into Canada and show some pieces for his spring collection. Yes he was in Canada!!! I'm so mad I did not know!

I read the blog and it said Holt Renfew Bloor Street, and I was like "wait there's a HR on Bloor here in downtown Toronto" could it be? apparently it was. So mad I wasn't on this one.

New Hair too.