Thursday, December 31, 2009

Digital Super 8!

Digital Harinezumi Final Cut Pro Mash Up from Ashley McFarlane on Vimeo.

I've been really thinking about this film I'm making down in the JA.
It's about remembering. I have an Super 8 camera. But not the cash to develop and digitize super 8 films (6 mins = $100).

So I learned of this camera called the digital harinezumi. obsessed over watching youtube and vimeo videos made with the little thing for hours at end. And finally bought one with the quickness cuz I needed to get it before new year.

Got it only to find out that the new model (the digital harinezumi 2) looks less Super 8mm ish. And that there is a cheaper digital pocket camera called the VistaQuest 1015 Entry (has to be the entry, not the classic) looks EVEN MORE super 8mm ish.

Anywho. I decided to keep the camera after playing around in Final Cut. My secret: Under Effects Choose: Video Generators. In the drop down choose Channels -> Channel Blur and move the Green over to about 39. Then increase the contrast and you're good. Black and white seals the deal. After all that export with Quicktime Conversion at 12 or 15 frames per second for that choppy look (I'm doing 15 cuz my additional footage is 30fps) and you're good. A lot of rendering and conversion time. But better than millions of bucks over the years and the camera is super-cute.

Only prob: the dimensions. Help!

Check my sample video above
; )

Monday, December 7, 2009

Re-membering Maroonage

Re-membering Maroonage from Ashley McFarlane on Vimeo.

First full clip from a doc I'm working on called Re-membering Maroonage. A film on family, migration, and re-membering heritage across land, lives and waters.

I'm usually pretty cut-heavy. Which will get interesting as I film family. It's harder to edit family. I know if I was watching this film by someone else I'd get a little bored. I hope the images and lights floating by are a nice distraction.

As the video says I'll be going to Jamaica this January to document a mini-family reunion and the annual celebration at Accompong on January 6th. I'll also be talking to locals, and more specifically a man named Michael Grizzle about the Maroons. I couldn't find that much info so I thought, given this opportunity I have to dig the info out myself, with the help and support of course of family and friends.

A museum is also being built down there, so I will offer up my communications skills, and equipment to the community. I really support communities telling their own stories so would like to have them learn to use cameras and videos. If needed do some editing. And just submerge myself in my heritage and vibe.


Shot on my Canon 5D mark ii. 50mm lens 1.2

Saturday, September 19, 2009

First Poetry/Photography Mix

So I'll be showing my first poetry/photography art installation piece this Monday at the Youth, Colonialism, and Hope - Art Presentation and Film Screening. UofT Women's Centre. It's the piece pictured here. Open it up and explore.

6:00pm - 9:00pm
Centre for Women's Studies in Education
252 Bloor Street West Unit 2-225
Toronto, ON

As I already said, I'm putting together a book of poetry and images. Also doing a theatre/poetry residency program with the great d'bi young. Very excited about the work that will be spilling forth from that.

in my mind
i had a line or two
i wished to record forever last night
this morning i have forgotten them
not gone for ever
but still meddling around
in mind
to spill out
in a different form
once formed
and ready

Monday, September 14, 2009

I Am A Man: Black Masculinaty in America

Thanks soo much to my friend Zainab for this video. I think it's a must for all of us and what is being said is in many ways the same for black women and all people in this soceity.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Creating is Natural to Me

I haven't been in the mood to create
For such a long while
I've made things here and there
Performed a bit.
Only when asked. But that's about it
I have a camera and am not experiencing deep writers block or anything
It is there
And my soul yearns to create again
Just not in the vibe state of mind I guess
Will do and be in a bit.
A retreat will hopefully bring me back to it all

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Gaia Resistance

This reminded me of something straight out of Harry Potter.

I was really interested in this because I had a negative view of wiccans. Kinda till now. Also my friends and I have been discussing the importance of reclaiming spirit in the decolonization and anti-oppression process.


at the G-8 Summit in Kananaskis

The new Empire is having a meeting of its leaders in 2002 in Alberta, Canada at Kananaskis Provincial Wilderness Park*.

Pagans are the spiritual if not literal successors to the peoples first colonized in Europe - the Pagans colonized by the Roman Empire and its heirs the Christians. Our resistance to this latest and largest empire is the continuation of the resistance of our ancestors to the earlier empires. When we fight against the globalized McCulture so they fight through us, and by honoring our Pagan ancestors we find ourselves as indigenous Peoples reclaiming our heritage of resistance.

When the Amazon forests are cut and the indigenous peoples forced off their land, it is like our ancestorsí sacred groves being cut again. These are our sisters and brothers. When the indigenous cultures are overwhelmed and the languages and music submerged in pop pap and junk food, this echoes the destruction of our people hundreds of years ago. These are our languages, these are our people.

The Pagan religions are not the religions of the rulers and their giant cities but of the ordinary people, the peasants, the indigenous peoples uprooted to work in those cities, in those factories. Those women stitching together Nike shoes for pennies an hour - those are our people.

And we must stand with them, with them all. Our Ancestors require it, our Mother Earth requires it, our own spirit and honour require it.

Like the Roman Empire before it the new American Empire wants to make the world into its own image, where the state is the handmaiden to corporate interests. This form of globalization evolved from institutions of the cold war like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. With the WTO, APEC, MAI, NAFTA, FTAA, etc., and every new series of trade agreements we now see the outline of this transnational corporatist Empire.

In a natural dialectic there has emerged an anti-globalist radical opposition movement. This emerging movement is our ancestors reawakened in our people - it is the same part of the broad left that we have always identified with - the fertile, earthy, anti-hierarchic and complex social and political radicalism that is red, green and anarchist - socialism from below.

The most successful resistance to the Empire that has mobilized inspired and radicalized the anti-globalization movement is the Zapatista movement in Chiapas, Mexico. The lessons of the Zapatista movement are that we mobilize globally, using the Internet, while mobilizing local indigenous mass movements of opposition - cultural, spiritual and political. We are building a new mass movement in opposition to the global hegemony of the American Empire.

A New Ghost Dance Around the Globe

We will use our magicks to resist the neo-liberal globalization of the American Empire.

The mission of GAIA RESISTANCE is to bring together the Pagan oppositional currents, to develop a liberation theology and an activist magickal practice that is not purely one of resistance but also of hope and new growth - the roots finding cracks in the concrete through which to rebirth the forest.

While many in the Pagan movement have taken up this battle on their own, there has not been a global movement that has made common cause through local Pagan communities to express a common goal and practice of combative magick. We will build a political spiritual resistance movement from the bottom up. GAIA RESISTANCE has evolved out of our belief that a global resistance movement of Pagans, Wiccans, magickians, shamans and all our community must be articulated and put into practice to build resistance to globalization at the community level.

It is not good enough to have a handful of witches appear at demonstrations against globalization. We must, as communities, with one purpose, pledge to use our magicks to resist the Empire. It is not enough to practice our magicks just for our-selves, or our circles, covens, lodges, etc. It is time for us to use our magicks in service of the people against the Empire. This is our ancient right, our ancient tradition, it is the reason the state used the burning times against us. It is our most cherished birthright, to use magick against oppression, to fight to free not just our-selves but also our communities.

To make a common Pagan alliance against globalization we need to use our magicks in a concerted effort to reinforce, energize and spread the global resistance movement.

We are calling for a Grand Coven gathering at the G8 meeting in Kananaskis.

As Pagans in Western Canada we invite you to join us in creating a worldwide movement of GAIA RESISTANCE. Whether you can be here in person or not, let us use our magicks in the summer of 2002 against the empire, and in defense of the resistance.

Let us call forth the grand coven, let us make a ghost dance of resistance around the globe.

To join in this effort we ask that you endorse this call for a GAIA RESISTANCE.

On local level we call on all Pagans, Wiccans, magickians, etc. to become active in their local

Anti-Globalization Movement as part of the GAIA RESISTANCE.

Join with us in planning for magickal-political-resistance activities around the globe for the G8 meeting in Alberta in 2002.

* [This environmentally sensitive eco-region and its indigenous wildlife face the prospect of mass intrusion by the corporatist global state and its police. Not satisfied with having intruded in this wildlife area with golf courses and tourist hotels, for the 1988 Winter Olympics, now we have the prospect of global leaders meeting in private surrounded by thousands of security forces. Kananaskis is symbolic of the privatization and rape of our natural environment that results when the G8 carve up the world for the good of Transnational American Corporations.]

Ya Basta! Non Passaran! Ompheda Balasti! So Mote It Be!

Lammas 2001 (CE)
Ashtorethean Wiccan Temple of Alberta (Edmonton)
Pagans for Peace (Canada)

GAIA RESISTANCE, Box 1075, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5J 2M1 email:


As Above, So Below

Magick is the spiritual and activist expression of the oldest liberation theology in the world.

Magick is opposed to hierarchy, domination, intolerance, exploitation, and oppression.

Magick is the peoplesí spiritual path unmediated by priests, shamans, politicians, the church or state.

Magick is the will of the oppressed made manifest in the world.

It is a weapon, a salve, nourishment, for the spiritual will of the common people.

To be a "heathen Pagan" is to be of the common people, and their struggles.

As Pagans we use magick to aid in changing and liberating not only the self but also all of our-selves.

Our religion celebrates honours, protects, and proclaims for, our Mother Earth and all her children.

We use our magick to maintain our mother, our-selves, our communities.

It is our duty. It is required of us.

We declare that corporate globalization is a material, political, economic, social and spiritual anathema to our mother and all her children.

We declare a Grant Covenant against Corporate Globalization and evoke our magicks to resist the Empire.

Ya Basta! Non Passaran! Ompheda Balasti! So Mote It Be!

Lammas 2001 (CE)
Ashtorethean Wiccan Temple of Alberta (Edmonton)
Pagans for Peace (Canada)

GAIA RESISTANCE, Box 1075, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5J 2M1 email:

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Full Moon Manifestos


It's been a minute since I planned on creating my first book of poetry....The Full Moon Manifestos. It turns out a long time friend of mine is obbessed with printing and wants to help me out in this personal and creative project.

So it will be done. Smashingly in colour. The universe willing.

I'll be documenting some of it up here. Teasers. and the like. I finally chose my font!! Half the battle

It will be a combo of pictures and poetry.

Stay tuned

Friday, May 22, 2009

Blame it on the E-e-e-economy

Michelle look a like is great.

"People taking shots of my clothes, want you to know, shouldn't be the focus, but I do look fly though we can all gleam, turn negative thoughts into positive steam"

"I'm not exactly Barack Obama, but I endorse this messaggge, I endorse this message...yeah ee yeah"

And why is a Syler look a like in this?

Classic. And I love that song.

Some of my fav Music Downloads

A bunch of free and legal downloads from some of your favourites:

Mos Def Cover "Say You Will":

Before Mos was an actor (well not really) He was one of the dopest mcees alive. it kinda stanner- enjoyment-only in the beginning, but gets real sweet around 8:40mins.

Q-Tip, D'angelo, Raphael Saadiq Mixtape Album "Lynwood Rose"

D'angelo "Really Love" that famous leaked track is the hottest ever.

Lauryn Hill Mixtape "The Re-Education of Lauryn Hill"

"Guarding the Gates" was that tune for a minute.

I Heart Mr Legend

I recently went back to my alma mater UPenn for Alumni weekend and to see some of my friends graduate. John Legend was the key speaker. He looked so cute like a little Harry Potter character.

People of the College of Arts and Sciences, you got Soul Power!! I know I'm not 09, but still SAS! Lol. So sexy.

Check out his Graduation Speech on Democracy Now. I teared up again:

Jay Z Goes Indie

It seems Jay Z is now an independent artists. He bought his rights back from Def Jam for 5 million dollars.

I still don't picture him as an indie artist "I'm a business man". The man's too rich. Plus him and those Ray just seems like he's riding on the coolness of being indie right now. No?

“I can honestly say, working with Doug Morris and LA Reid has been a unique and fulfilling experience and I respect them immensely. I’ve been in the family for almost my entire career.Doug and I spoke directly and had one of the most unique “negotiations” ever. Doug won the toss but, we both won in the end..I thank him for allowing me to be a completely independent artist. Not every artist can say they own or are given the opportunity to own all of their music.”

courtesy of

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Race and the Recession Report

I'm apart of the group Allies on the Economy and they sent out a really good link to a report on inequity and the recession. You won't be seeing this on CNN.

From the site:

"Race and Recession: How Inequity Rigged the Economy and how to Change the Rules" tells the stories of people of color who are disproportionately affected by the recession.

It uncovers root causes of long-term racial inequities that fed into the economic crisis. It proposes structural solutions to change a system that threatens future generations.

Watch the Video. Read the Report. Take action.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mos Def Vid Promo for New Album

Mos Def - Flowers - The Ecstatic avail 6/9/09

The Escatic drops in Spring 2009!

You know what this means dont' you? Mos on Tour in Spring!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dilla Fall in Love Live Intrumentals

Illa Dilla with a 40 piece orchestra. word on the street is it all commenced on my 24th birthday in cali.

Babtunde Olatunji - Why do you run away

Some good ol Nigerian Music from an African Priest.

Common Skanking

common skanking. looks like he likes those jamaican dances.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Explicit Ills looks Ill

Finally movies about our lives!! Gentrification, poverty, health care and rights. Lol. I'm definitely supporting this in the theaters. Will you?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Art Star and the Sudanese Twins

An interesting looking doc on foreign adoption, especially of exotic African babies by white women.

Critical. The women knows what she's doing, look at the image, but still wants to do it. Her husband is a social anthrolopologist and by the end wants a divorce.

Screening at the HOTDOCS Documentary festival in April

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ryan Leslie: I'm in Love with a Nerd

So I was on Kid Cudi's blog and it turned out that Ryan "Real Life Genius" Leslie helped him with the website probs he's been having. Me thinking it's hot that Ryan Leslie speaks Web 2.0 language did a little google search on mr leslie and discovered his gem of an artist site. it reminds me of my hype back in okp glory days.

all said in done. i got his phone number and email from the site. plus gave him mine.

Check him out in this video with him producing. Dude is hotness. Lol at the mini Trumpet. Not too much into the materialistic swag.

His site it pretty hot!!!

Denzel in Post-Apocalyptic Flick

A bearded Denzel Washington was spotted on the set of his latest movie “The Book of Eli” in New Mexico
earlier this week.

Washington takes on the lead role of Eli, in the post-apocalyptic action film about a man who fights his way across America in order to protect a sacred book that holds the secrets to saving humankind. It is expected to be released January 15, 2010.


I'm def going to check this one out. I'm all about the post-apoc/apoc thrillers. Especially ones with spiritual/theoretical/philosophical dimensions since I think climate change is going to whip our a**

Andre 3000 New Hair and New Spring Collection

Andre 3000 hit up Holt Renfrew Bloor Street to launch his new Bixby Menswear Spring 09 Collection.

So despite some of the challenges his new line has been facing, Andre 3000 was still able to sneak into Canada and show some pieces for his spring collection. Yes he was in Canada!!! I'm so mad I did not know!

I read the blog and it said Holt Renfew Bloor Street, and I was like "wait there's a HR on Bloor here in downtown Toronto" could it be? apparently it was. So mad I wasn't on this one.

New Hair too.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Who is Jay Electronica??

An interview with my future hubby, e.badu baby daddy Jay Electronica. Those projects he's from look reeealll.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Broccoli City Organic Hood Clothes

I can say I love nothing more than some black men lying in broccoli and looking spaced out. Delish

For more on the line check And don't forget to check their blog. It's pretty cute.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Did you know they booed Bush?

Imagine. This man got a shoe and millions of boos. He must have went home and cried.

Obama's for the kids

Video I created a little while back featuring there views of Obama as president. Most shot before the Nov 4th win with additional footage from celebrations around the world on the eve of that historic day.

The First Dance

what a sight. B sounded good. And I don't know if everyone was drunk last night but I thought Michelle's dress was a hot mess. She could have done so much better. At least an up do. Come on. Lol. Love her though.

Poor Andre

Is Andre 3000 too eccentric to have a successful mainstream clothing line? Probably. Especially and expensive one.


Things aren’t lookin so hot for Andre 3000’s stodgy clothing line, Benjamin Bixby:

Sales of the rapper’s gear have failed to take off because of the ongoing economic crisis and the clothing line’s high prices and limited availability. Andre launched Benjamin Bixby in September 2008 and the line included a sweater vest with a $275 price tag and a $1,400 leather jacket.

The Outkast rapper has now been forced to slash prices and sell his clothing via discount luxury sites. “The Benjamin Bixby clothing line is facing severe financial hardships due to limited sales and excess inventory
. Because [Andre] paid so much attention to detail, his clothing line was not cheap to reproduce on a mass scale. Instead, limited quantities of the collection were made and sold primarily online through luxury fashion sites such as,” the site said in an exclusive report.

“The problem is no one is buying the clothing line because of the high price point and no brand equity. As a result, the Benjamin Bixby clothing line has had to dramatically drop prices in order to move inventory and prevent retailers from shipping it all back to Mr. Benjamin,” the site revealed

“It’s not a good sign to see your four month old fashion collection on discount luxury sites, but the fact is selling the inventory at a low price is better than it sitting on the shelf and not making a dime,” the site added.